i love the round sound your tongue makes
when it curls back into your mouth
when it curls back into your mouth
like a the sound of a large marble
dropping into a quiet pond
from just above the surface
i love the uplifted yearning angle of your head
and the rabbit twitches in your left hind leg
when i find that one spot on your neck
where the white of your chest
meets the black of your shoulder
i love the long grunt you make
when you wake for a moment
and stretch the black fur bouquet of your legs
all the way down to your toenails
before falling right back asleep
i love how you ride shotgun
when we drive home from the park
your big head sticking out
the passenger side window
and your cheeks rippling in the wind
i love the way your forepaws
pin my left foot to the floor
as you work on your rawhide bone
and every time i run my hand across your side
your tail spins like a propeller.