Monday, September 11, 2017


If, as the cue ball
You could scoop from the pocket
And aim again

the above is a "poemlet" from my sister
an amazing writer
and person of tender sentiments
and melissa and i am honored
and touched by her words.
and by the fact she allowed me
to post this here
with a title of my own addition

Friday, September 1, 2017


for a few more hours today
You are Schrodinger's embryo
You are quantum
You are alive, implanted, thriving and dividing
and at the same time already gone missing
slipped away over the edge silently
while we were both watching so intently
and so unable to see

our only evidences
were twinges on tuesday
and nausea today
and all i have are those descriptions
and the wrong size boxes
in which to put them

it is now 6:29pm CST
and all week we have been on
increasingly sharpened tenterhooks
balanced between tears of two flavors
without a grain of middle ground in sight