in the window at the head of my bed
framed in the top pane of glass is the moon
filtering through a sky of small clouds
i remember how she
would get so excited when she saw something
like that when she looked out
her window from the passenger seat of my car
she would tell me look over and over again
as if i could see it just as easily
without leaning over
putting my head in her lap as i drove
and looking out her window
because the moon and the clouds were always
on her side high enough in the sky
that i had to wait
until a light turned red and i stopped the car
and then i could lean over across her
and see what she had found but by then
she would have found something else
i couldn't see when she told me to look at it
something like the sky
but nothing i could see if i looked for it
as i try to fall asleep i see the clouds
passing by with my eyes closed
i see the moon i see the clouds
and i hear her voice telling me to look
i listen to her
and think how tired i am of looking
for what she sees
and her voice is slowly drowned out by the sound
of the clouds dragging their bodies
through the sky and the moon is behind a cloud
much larger than itself
and she isn't telling me to look at anything
and i'm not but if she were
i would be looking out through the top
pane of glass in my window
looking at the blackness of it all
looking at the cloud that has become the sky
looking for the edges.