Monday, January 21, 2013

thought of you yesterday...


(a birthular message to my amazing professional sculptor brother in law, Matt Babcock)

thought of you yesterday...

but failed to send you birthday greetings, so here they are today, after all the fanfare has died down and you are waking thinking that instead of the joyous day of celebration you experienced yesterday, with all of its fancy community-wide reverie and remembrances of the last year of your existence, complete with detailed exegeses of each of your trials, tribulations, and triumphs, that instead today would be more of a "back to the grindstone" type day where you trudged to your workshop and engaged in some revelatory creative endeavour that, at its root, contained a cryptic semaphore from your soul to the world at large, your metaphoric symbology cascading morse codified bits of your soul-beat and animalian spirit into the vast wilderness of humanity, perhaps muttering to yourself occasionally "consarned soul-beat and animalian spirit, and consarned too is this cursed endeavouring mythos and pathos and ethos I have been shackled with", but instead of making the sisyphistic, trudging trip to your workshop in such bleak and conflicted spirits, nay instead you have started your day with a small, concise, and tidy missive from your brother in law, who chose this time with such great care and tenderness, so that he might best establish a small and meaningful point of contact with your existence, and perhaps convey to your reactive mind a small token of non-particulate matter that suggests to you his (and his lovely wife's) egregious respect for you and your creations, and indeed if there were a word that conveyed great jealousy of your engagement in such overwhelmingly creative soulcraft, without that word having the pejorative sense of envy, but instead simply of sublimated esteem for both your character, the millions of tiny characters inhabiting your brains, and the beatific manner in which you so gracefully release those characters out into the world, allowing them the full Maslowian ability to actualize themselves and the selves of others in the parallel processes of our collective slouching towards some unknowable singularity, that would be the word he would use, and that word alone.


Note: if you want to see some of the amazing things Matt creates (and you should want to see these kinds of things indeed), check out his website 

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